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Just walk forward and take the staff and this will pop. Just follow your allies up the stairs and one of them will stop you and talk to you, popping the trophy. Just talk to the guy running towards you and this will pop. Just walk forward and talk to the guy with the golden circle in the minimap. You must thank the post to view hidden content/download! You must thank the post to view hidden content/download! Factions

I have fixed this and made an EU save for it as well. Received word that this save was not appearing in Save Wizard. Just finish beating her and skip the credits and cinematic that plays and both of these will pop, Defiant first then Dominated. You take almost 0 damage from her with my set. You have to defeat the final boss for this, but like with Balor, it's incredibly easy. Save for "Destiny Defiant" and "Destiny Dominated" (US and EU): Super easy fight with my setup, then trophy will pop. Just walk out the door and defeat the Balor. Just talk to Formorous Hughes in front of you and the trophy will pop at the end of the conversation. NextGenUpdate I personally had more luck follow the written guide. rar and extract the save file, then use a program such as 7Zip to zip the save itself up then you can resign it through Save Wizard.Īll of these saves are re-regionable, so if you want to re-region them to your area, please follow this guide by Wosley - Tutorial:: Save Wizard Re Region Tutorial Hope everyone can get some benefit out of this!

However, if you're struggling with one of them, let me know and I'll try to make a save for it.

I left about 10-15 trophies off that I thought were easy enough to get on your own. Update: I am finished with the game and saveset completely. As of writing this, I do not know if resigning these saves is possible or not since the game isn't on Save Wizard. Kingdoms of Amalur was one of my most favorite games on PS3, so I rushed to buy this as soon as it came out to try and help the community.